Regulatory technology as enabler in ESG
ESG and related non-financial reporting tell a lot how well an organisation is managed, also it shows how much importance is shown beyond financials, to all stakeholders. Being able to adopt ESG in crisis management is a direct leverga in which RealCGR helps building awareness and compliance.

is about how an organisation contributes to climate-change control. It is also about how an
organisation behaves to preserve the natural world and limit environmental impact of the operations. Items here are: managing carbon footprints and emissions, having a green asset ratio, using renewable and clean technology, having a sound waste management, consume and use resources economically,…
"Social" is about "ethical behaviour". It focusses on how an organisation behaves socially and how it projects
its social responsibility to its broader community. Here we find items like how business relationships are run, choosing "green" suppliers, supply-chain management, working conditions for employees, social behaviour in general, social respect, human respect, diversity, equity and inclusion. There are also other domains to consider like product liability, safety and quality, privacy and data security,…
"Governance" focuses on how well this is organised and managed. Here we find topics like board composition, preventing bribery, management structure, executive compensation. Also, it is about resilience, dataprotection, cybersecurity and implementing controls, practices, policies, and processes that contribute to compliance in general.
Why is ESG important?
ESG contributes to a sustainable future for all. Companies will contribute and comply through lean and transparent risk management. They will be efficient, caring, and ethical.
When an organisation addresses ESG, it shows relevancy to all its stakeholders, be it close or distant. Because no organisation stands alone. It functions in an "eco-system" of nature and environment, current and future employees, families and homes, clients, suppliers, governments, shareholders, supervising authorities,…
Addressing ESG means staying ahead!
Why address ESG?
Addressing ESG is beneficial to many, and it supports overall company image and reputation. ESG, in time, will be required by law. Addressing ESG protects against the potential high cost of fines, reputational damage and allocation of management time and resources in case of a regulatory inspection. But there is an even more important consideration. ESG will influence how money is being spent in business finance. Therefore, organisations ignoring ESG could face exclusion from finance, investment, insurance, participation in business deals.
How is RegTech an enabler for Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)?
RegTech streamlines risk management processes, making them more efficient. It saves resources and time, yielding many benefits for environment, people, and governance.
Resilience has a specific place in ESG. Resilience addresses the readiness for dealing with adverse events of all kinds. From an ESG viewpoint, organisations are accountable for all environmental, social and governance impacts of a crisis or security breach.
How can RealCGR help?
RealCGR can deal with this, building long term, sustainable, efficient, and optimised risk-management processes. With RealCGR, risk management becomes simplified.
Also, risk management becomes transparent. This allows clear communication on risk. Moreover, accountability becomes easier and possible at any time.
RealCGR technology relieves any organisation of all the drawbacks of "manual" risk-management, simplifying and automating the process.
Resilience is important in ESG. With RealCGR RegTech, environmental, social and governance are integrally dealt with both in risk-assessment and crisis-management.