Disruptive events
A resilient organisation regularly scans its horizon to review the possible risks or disruptive events that can occur. RealBCP offers a module to assess and document any risk. On top, a risk treatment plan including risk reduction and residual risk management is available together with a crisis action plan related to that risk ("crisis playbook").

RealBCP is a business continuity management system ("BCMS") based on ISO22301. It allows documenting all needed BCMS information like for instance Business Impact Analytics, process listing and classification, dependency analytics and information and many more.
Crisis Playbooks
A fundament of Business Continuity is the actual handling of crisis'. RealBCP allows unambiguous crisis handling by use of "Crisis Playbooks".
Hence, RealBCP always assures for a crisis handling that fits every situation and every organisation!

ICT components
The business impact analysis in RealBCP undoubtfully surfaces the important process dependencies like people, premisses, supplier and ICT components. All dependencies can be documented to the needed details. Special attention goes to ICT components with specialistic features like, recovery time actuals, synchronisation-gap with business-RTO, suppliers and key-persons per ICT component, storing of DRP-procedures,….